Monday, October 4, 2021

When to Consult a Dentist?

Tooth decay is caused by cavities that cause permanent damage to the hard surface of the teeth and result in tiny holes and openings that can be painful. If the cavities and tooth decay are not treated early, they can get larger and affect the deeper layer of the teeth, and can lead to tooth loss, severe gum infection, and toothache. Regular dental visits and taking good care of the teeth can protect one from cavities and tooth decay.

During the consultation, the dentist examines the teeth and gum health and suggests the best tips and treatment that can help one get healthy oral health. Dr. Kandhari's Skin & Dental Clinic, Best Dental Clinic in Delhi, India provides the best holistic personalized dental experience using world-class dental equipment and patient-centered treatment plans.

Here are some signs that indicate it is time for a person to consult a dentist:

Bleeding after brushing – Blood on the toothbrush or in the sink indicates that a person is suffering from gum disease, which is called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that hold the teeth in place. Gum disease can lead to bone loss around the teeth and eventually tooth loss when untreated. Consult now with the best dental doctors at Dr. Kandhari's Skin & Dental Clinic, the best dental clinic in India, to get to know more about healthy tips for improving tooth and gums healthy. 

Receding gums – A recession of gums can be a sign of gum disease. Treatment from a dentist can stop the receding process if diagnosed early. With extra attention to oral hygiene and regular dental visits, mild forms of gum disease are treatable. But severe gum disease requires extra treatment from the dentist.

Dry mouth – A dentist can determine what is causing dry mouth and advise several ways to restore moisture and protect the teeth. An unusually dry mouth could be a sign of illness. A Dentist can recommend treatment or prescribe special mouthwashes to help mitigate dry mouth.

Loose teeth – If there are gaps present between the teeth, then it should be taken seriously, as it could be a sign of infection or bone loss. Consult now with the best dentist at the Top Dental Clinic in Delhi, Dr. Kandhari's Skin & Dental Clinic to know about treatment and conditions that can help one correct these concerns.

Sore and bumps – Common sores will clear up on their own in several days. Oral lesions need to be treated with the help of a dentist. A fungal infection can show up as a white sore on the tongue and people with diabetes are more prone to get it, as the infection thrives on high sugar levels in saliva. Infection, bacteria, and plaque can build below the gum-line and this will need professional deep cleaning and scaling appointments to restore gum health.

Canker sores - Canker sores are tiny ulcers in the mouth that affect the gums, the tongue, and the roof of the mouth. Some of the patients may only get one or two in their lifetime due to accidentally biting their lip or cheek. Patients can also get severe canker sores that do not heal. This could be due to stress, food allergies, hormonal shifts, or immunity issues. If canker sores are not healing after a week, and they seem to be spreading, one must consult the dentist right away.

Toothache – Severe toothache must not be ignored. Continuous toothache is often a sign of a severe problem and the pain can get worse if left untreated. The best dentist in Delhi can determine the causative factor behind the toothache and provide one with improved health by proving suitable care and treatment. If a person has any swelling in the cheeks or around the area that is painting, this is likely to be a sign of an infection in the root, which requires treatment by the dentist. 

Injury to the mouth - Trauma to the teeth can cause damage to the root so it is important to see a dentist so that the injured area can be monitored.

White spots on teeth or gums - White spots on teeth are one of the first signs of decay. Treating it early can help prevent cavities. White spots on gums are a sign of infection. A patient who has an infection in the root of the tooth might not experience pain due to the infection, but one can notice a pimple on their gums. Avoid popping or scraping at this spot. Instead, consult a dentist as soon as possible.

Sensitivity to hot and cold - tooth sensitivity is usually treated with sensitive toothpaste. But if a person is experiencing extreme sensitivity to hot and cold, this could be a sign of something serious. If this type of sensitivity is experienced, immediate medical attention is required.

There are no warning signs of early gum disease. So, it is very important to consult a dentist and take good care of mouth and teeth to prevent the occurrence of tooth and gum disease. 

A Dentist in Delhi/India recommends the following tips to keep mouth and teeth healthy:

Brush teeth twice a day for about two minutes each time.

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles as firm or hard bristles can damage gums.

To clean away particles from between the teeth and below the gum line, floss once a day.

To help prevent decay, ask the dentist if you should use a fluoride rinse.

If a person is wearing dentures, clean them every day. Remove plaque and stains build-up from the dentures that can irritate gums.

Searching for the best dentist near you? 

Book an appointment at Dr. Kandhari's Skin & Dental Clinic for dental issues.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dental Implants Treatment in Delhi

A dental implant is an ideal and one of the most popular treatments for replacing the missing tooth/teeth. A dental implant is a surgical fixture that is placed into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the bone over a span of few months. The process of fusion between the dental implant and jawbone is termed osseointegration. The goal of dental implants is to restore function as well as aesthetics. A dental implant is considered the standard of care for prosthetic replacement of missing teeth. It acts as a replacement for the root of the missing tooth. The implant can be used to replace a single tooth or several teeth or all of the teeth.

Dr. Kandhari’s Skin and Dental Clinic provides the best dental implant in Delhi and helps their patients to restore back a healthy smile and good oral health.

Dental implants may be ideal for the candidates:


·         People who are unable or unwilling to wear dentures

·         Have one or more missing teeth

·         Want to improve the speech problems resulting from the gap created by one or more missing teeth

·         Don’t smoke tobacco

·         Healthy oral tissues

·         Have adequate bone to secure the implants

·         Is able to have a bone or tissue graft

·         Don’t have any health conditions that will affect bone healing

·         Have a jawbone reached with full growth.


Types of dental implants:


Dental implants are categorized on the basis of the type of procedure involved in placing them:


(1) Endosteal implants (in the bone): This type of implant is generally used as an alternative with bridges or removable dentures. Endosteal is the most commonly used dental implant. Screws, blades, or cylinders are surgically placed into the jawbone in this type of implant. Each implant holds one or more prosthetic teeth.


(2) Subperiosteal implants (on the bone): This type of implant is used for candidates who cannot wear conventional dentures and have minimal bone height. These are placed on the top of the jaw with the metal framework’s posts protruding through the gum to hold the prosthesis.




(1) Preparing the jaw for implantation: A titanium screw and a crown are commonly used in dental implants for their restoration. In order to guide the titanium implant fixture in place, a small diameter hole is drilled at jaw sites where there is no tooth (at edentulous). Dentists use surgical guides created based on the CT scan when placing the implants in many instances.


(2) Placement: After the initial hole has been drilled into the appropriate jaw site, it is slowly widened to allow placement of the implant screw. Surrounding gum tissue is secured over the implant once the implant screw is in place, and a protective cover screw is placed on the top to allow the site to heal and osseointegration to occur. The dentist will uncover the implant after up to six months of healing and attach an abutment. The dentist will then fabricate a crown when the abutment is in place. The crown serves as a template around which the gum grows and shapes itself in a natural way.


Advantages of dental implants:


·         Dental implants do not harm the adjacent tooth structure in any manner and protect healthy bone.

·         Dental implants are a durable solution and help in restoring the missing tooth/teeth and look like natural teeth. Most of the implants last a lifetime with good care.

·         Dental implants help in maintaining the shape and contour of the face and smile, which can go wrong due to missing teeth.

·         Dental implants eliminate the discomfort of removable dentures.

·         Dental implants function like the candidate’s own teeth allowing them to eat their favorite food with confidence and without pain.

·         Dental implants boost self-esteem by giving back a natural smile and being an ideal solution to the lost teeth.


Post-operative care:


·         Do not touch or rinse the wound on the day of surgery.

·         Swelling is normal after surgery. To minimize it, apply an ice pack on the cheek in the treated area.

·         Avoid consuming hot beverages. Drink lots of fluids and stick to a soft diet on the day of surgery and for 5-7 days after the procedure.

·         Do not chew hard items like ice and hard candy, which can break the crown.

·         Brush twice a day to maintain good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is important not just for the teeth and gum but also for overall wellbeing.

·         Change the toothbrush after every two three months.

·         Do not use too much force while brushing the teeth.

·         Do not consume tobacco and caffeine products in any form after implants, as it increases the chance of implant failure.

·         As soon as the effects of local anesthesia have gone down, start taking pain medication as prescribed by the dentist

To make sure the implant, teeth, and gums are healthy, keep visiting for a regular check-up.

Visit Dr. Kandhari’s Skin and Dental Clinic and get the best implant treatment from the Best Dentist in Delhi.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Acne Scar Cost in Delhi


Inflammation of the acne blemishes can result in acne scars. Sometimes the scars can be shallow and heal quickly, but severe acne such as nodules, cysts, pustules, etc. can result in deeper acne scar formation. Acne and acne scars can impact one’s life by affecting their appearance and often result in social withdrawal. Thus, one needs to address this concern and a consult skin specialist to get effective treatment. Dr. Rajat Kandhari is a renowned dermatologist, dermatosurgeon, and specialist in aesthetic procedures, who provides the best treatment for acne scars at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic, Delhi. Dr. Kandhari specializes in performing acne scar laser treatment in Delhi, and the treatment is provided using advanced laser technology. For the best results, Dr. Rajat Kandhari carries out a thorough assessment of an individual's condition and proper diagnosis before providing any treatment. There are different lasers available at Dr. Kandhari’s clinic to treat acne scars, such as Palomar 1540, Erbium glass laser, Lumenis Acupulse, CO2 laser, Lumenis ResurFX, and Erbium Fiber Laser. The lasers break the acne scar dark pigment, boost collagen production, promote new skin cells growth, and help one achieve a brighter skin tone. To know more about acne scar laser treatment cost in Delhi, visit today at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic.




Friday, March 26, 2021

Acne Scar Laser Treatment Cost in Delhi

Inflammation of the acne blemishes can result in acne scars. Sometimes the scars can be shallow and heal quickly, but severe acne such as nodules, cysts, pustules, etc. can result in deeper acne scar formation. Acne and acne scars can impact one’s life by affecting their appearance and often result in social withdrawal. Thus, one needs to address this concern and a consult skin specialist to get effective treatment. Dr. Rajat Kandhari is a renowned dermatologist, dermatosurgeon, and specialist in aesthetic procedures, who provides the best treatment for acne scars at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic, Delhi. Dr. Kandhari specializes in performing acne scar laser treatment in Delhi, and the treatment is provided using advanced laser technology. For the best results, Dr. Rajat Kandhari carries out a thorough assessment of an individual's condition and proper diagnosis before providing any treatment. There are different lasers available at Dr. Kandhari’s clinic to treat acne scars, such as Palomar 1540, Erbium glass laser, Lumenis Acupulse, CO2 laser, Lumenis ResurFX, and Erbium Fiber Laser. The lasers break the acne scar dark pigment, boost collagen production, promote new skin cells growth, and help one achieve a brighter skin tone. To know more about acne scar laser treatment cost in Delhi, visit today at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic. Visit-

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Acne Scar Laser Treatment Cost in Delhi

Inflammation of the acne blemishes can result in acne scars. Sometimes the scars can be shallow and heal quickly, but severe acne such as nodules, cysts, pustules, etc. can result in deeper acne scar formation. Acne and acne scars can impact one’s life by affecting their appearance and often result in social withdrawal. Thus, one needs to address this concern and a consult skin specialist to get effective treatment. Dr. Rajat Kandhari is a renowned dermatologist, dermatosurgeon, and specialist in aesthetic procedures, who provides the best treatment for acne scars at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic, Delhi. Dr. Kandhari specializes in performing acne scar laser treatment in Delhi, and the treatment is provided using advanced laser technology. For the best results, Dr. Rajat Kandhari carries out a thorough assessment of an individual's condition and proper diagnosis before providing any treatment. There are different lasers available at Dr. Kandhari’s clinic to treat acne scars, such as Palomar 1540, Erbium glass laser, Lumenis Acupulse, CO2 laser, Lumenis ResurFX, and Erbium Fiber Laser. The lasers break the acne scar dark pigment, boost collagen production, promote new skin cells growth, and help one achieve a brighter skin tone. To know more about acne scar laser treatment cost in Delhi, visit today at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic. Visit-

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Best Skin Specialist in Delhi

 Dr Kandhari's Skin & Dental Clinic For complete and proper dental solution at the Best Skin specialist in Delhi at Dr. Kandhari's. For more info log on to Best Dental Clinic in Delhi, South Delhi, Greater Kailash



Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hair Transplant Doctor in Delhi

Loosing 50 to 100 hair strands in a day is considered normal. However, hair fall resulting in baldness indicates an alarming state of excessive hair fall, requires immediate medical attention. Hair fall can occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and puberty, heredity factors, medical conditions like thyroid and iron deficiency, stress, etc. Hair thinning and baldness can affect an individual's appearance and can often result in embarrassment and lack of self-confidence. Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic is one of the best hair transplant treatment clinic in Delhi, where one can get the desired results under expert doctor’s supervision. Hair transplant is a popular hair restoration technique that helps one to overcome the problem of baldness. Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic is well equipped with advanced technologies to provide safe and effective results to their patients. Dr. Rajat Kandhari and his team of expert hair treatment doctors perform hair transplantation treatment in Delhi. In this treatment, the donor hair is extracted from the back of the scalp and is grafted to the balding area of the head. The procedure is carried out with utmost care to avoid damage to the hair follicles for natural and effective results. At Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic, other hair restoration treatment likes growth factor treatment, mesotherapy, and microneedling are also provided. To know more about this treatment benefits, consult today with an expert hair transplant doctor in Delhi at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin & Dental Clinic.

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