Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Importance of PRP in Treating Hair Fall

Hair plays an important part in the overall aesthetic appearance of an individual. Everyone wants to have naturally thick hair so that they can style it up and use it to enhance their overall appearance. However, many people around the world are suffering from hair fall issues. If one starts to lose a large number of hair every day and the hair has started becoming thinner, then they must consult a dermatologist to suggest an appropriate hair fall treatment. PRP is one such treatment which can boost the hair growth naturally.

What is PRP Treatment?
First, let’s understand that our blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Platelets contain growth factors which rush to the site of injury where the bleeding occurs to form a clot and repair the damage. Platelets are also known as reservoirs of growth factors that stimulate tissue recovery by increasing blood flow and cytokines. These also enhance the hair follicle function. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a processed blood plasma from which RBCs and WBCs are eliminated with the process of centrifugation. This treatment has shown tremendous results for restoring the hair growth. PRP treatment provides with increased hair density and treats various problems like that of hair thinning, hair fall, and hair loss.

The doctor marks the area where the hair needs to be restored. Then the marked area is numbed with general anesthesia. To reduce the risk of infections, a disinfectant is applied over that area. The treated site is cleaned thoroughly. The concentrated PRP extracted from the patient's blood is injected into the scalp where hair growth is less.

For an apt PRP Treatment in Delhi, visit Veya Aesthetics, which offers the best PRP treatment with advanced technology so that the patients get satisfactory results. One does not need to worry about the cost, Veya Aesthetics offers an affordable PRP Hair Treatment Cost without compromising with the service or technology.

Who is an ideal candidate for PRP Hair Treatment?
The ideal candidate for PRP treatment is:

A candidate who is not completely bald
Someone who has low hair density.
Non-smoker and non-alcoholic.
Must not be a drug addict, and should not intake any blood-thinning medications.
Should not suffer from chronic medical conditions such as liver or skin disease, cancer, metabolic disorders, etc.

Clinical advantages of PRP:
There are many advantages of PRP for hair fall, which makes it a popular option for hair restoration.

Safe Treatment: PRP therapy is performed by using the patient's platelets. These platelets are naturally found in the blood. As this therapy involves injecting own platelets into the scalp, there is no risk of infection.

Minimal Discomfort: PRP treatment is less invasive than other hair treatments. The numbing cream is applied to the area where treatment is performed. Hence, the patient does not experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Convenient: PRP Treatment does not require much downtime. The patient can resume their daily routine post-surgery without any hassle. However, the patient must follow the precautionary measures as recommended by the dermatologist in Delhi.

Quick Treatment: The procedure does not require much time. The whole procedure with multiple injections over scalp lasts for about 60-90 minutes.

Results: PRP therapy delivers reliable results. However, within 2-3 months, the patient can see visible results. The results appear natural too with PRP.

After the PRP treatment, the patient may experience temporary inflammation, pain, and swelling. Thus, the dermatologist recommends some preventive steps that must be taken by the patient.

Do not intake any anti-inflammatory medications without proper consultation. The patient must also avoid smoking or alcohol consumption at least for a few weeks before and after treatment.

PRP for hair fall is one of the best treatments to restore natural hair growth. Visit Veya Aesthetics to consult with the most skilled and experienced PRP Therapy Doctor to avail the benefits of this treatment.

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